2nd Oregon News Minute

Date: 02/27/2013 09:31 AM

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Here is the latest Oregon news from The Associated Press


SALEM, Ore. (AP) – TROUTDALE, Ore. (AP) – A 15-year-old teen who rescued an 8-year-old boy from a burning home in Troutdale is a finalist for a national award recognizing citizen heroes. Marcos Ugarte is one of 23 being considered for the Citizen Service Before Self Honors from the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation in Washington D.C. Last September, Ugarte used a ladder to climb to the second floor of a burning home, punched out a screen window and brought a young boy to safety.

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) – A report says Indian casinos posted higher revenue in 2011 despite a weak economy. The study, “Casino City’s Indian Gaming Industry Report,” released today, says that revenue rose 3 percent, to $27.4 billion. Indian casinos account for about 43 percent of total casino gambling revenue, just slightly less than 45 percent for commercial casinos. Race track casinos account for the rest.

MILWAUKIE, Ore. (AP) – Milwaukie police say an 11-year-old boy set a paper towel dispenser on fire in the restroom of Linwood Elementary School. Sprinklers extinguished the fire yesterday afternoon and five classrooms with after-school programs safely evacuated after alarms went off. Estimated damage was more than $5,000. Police say the boy admitted that he set the fire.

SALEM, Ore. (AP) – A Christian-oriented camp on land formerly occupied by followers of Indian guru Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh wants to expand but needs state lawmakers’ approval. The Bend Bulletin reports that supporters are pushing legislation to allow Young Life to expand. The nonprofit group owns and operates Washington Family Ranch, which straddles Wasco and Jefferson counties north of Madras.


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